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The Tigernut (cyperus sculentus lativum) or 'Chufa' as it is known in Spanish, is not actually a nut, but a small tuber. It was first discovered 4000 years ago and comes in several sizes. Tigernuts have long been recognised for their health benefits, as they are high in fibre, proteins, and natural sugars. 

The Tigernut has a rough, rounded shape and a certain earth-like colour, since it is buried there until it is removed for consumption. The plant has characteristic intense green leafs that can be seen very often in some fields of African countries and in some villages in the coastal Valencia.


Source of Maganisium

3 cups


High in

Omega 6

Without Gluten

Source of Pottasium

High in Fiber

1½ cups





Traditional Uses

The traditional way of presenting Tigernuts has always been through the Tigernuts milk or horchata, a sweet, delicious and extremely popular drink in the Mediterranean coast.

Their other traditional use has been as a dried fruit or snack. The sweet taste of Tigernuts makes them a great snack.

Although they are hard as a result of being dried after harvesting, if soaked in water for about 4 hours they are rehydrated and become soft and tasty again. Ready to enjoy them anywhere! Our company can offer you Tigernuts any time of the year in different shapes and sizes suitable for a use or another.

Nutriton Facts
Peeled Tigernuts

Tigernuts in the softest form

The developed  peeling process, which is 100% safe and reliable, and which allows us to offer you Tigernuts without skin – a Tigernut with a sweet taste and a pleasant white colour.


Thanks to its great taste, this kind of Tigernut can be presented to the customer in many ways:

chocolate coated, caramelized, in a mix of nuts or dried fruits or in any other way consumers can imagine.

Nutriton Facts
Sliced Tigernuts

Sweet & Gluten Free

 Preserves the essence of the original chufa but presented in a thin format.

Include it in your pastry recipes, desserts, yoghurt or smoothies.

Nutriton Facts
Crunched Tigernuts

Crunchy Texture

minced tigernut with crunchy texture. Give a fun twist to your dishes while you provide the nutrients and vitamins of the tigernut. Try it in muesli, bread, cakes or any of your recipes.

Nutriton Facts
tigernuts flour.png
Tigernuts Flour

Sweet & Gluten Free

- It's a good alternative to wheat flour, as it's gluten free and good for people who can't take gluten in their diet.

- It's considered a good flour or additive for the bakery industry , as its natural sugars contents is really high, avoiding the necessity of adding to much extra sugar (good option for diabetics)

- The high fibre content of its raw material (Tigernuts) makes the product very healthy, as everyone needs a minimum fibre contribution each day.

- Mixed with other flour (as maize flour) could become, in the same way, very tempting and tasty.

- Furthermore, the Tigernuts Flour does not loose any of its nutritious properties in the milling process.

Horchata Powder

Healthy Drinking Powder

Tigernut Horchata powder extracted through a process of dehydration of organic tigernut drink. Use it as an ingredient in your recipes for pastries, horchata, milkshakes, smoothies and energy drinks.

It can be alternative to milk.

Making energy or functional drinks with sweet taste but without adding any sugar .

Nutriton Facts
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